Ah, duh. Honestly, I don't even know what to say to this, other than, huh??? Who are you even talking about when you say You All Hate Us? Are you for real? First of all, sweetheart, all of this generational compartmentalization is utter nonsense. Time moves along a continuum. Just as there is no reset on the first of every new year, the whole Greatest Generation of all Fucking Time, Boomer, Gen X,Y,Z is simply a construct.
We all hate you? I teach college undergrads. To me, they're people. Some are smart af, work their asses off, read, think, argue, and I'd rather be in a room full of them than people anywhere near my age. Do I think they have every right to be pissed off? Hell yeah! How do you think we feel? We've been screaming about this same shit decades before you were even born. Everything I got? What is it you think I (we) have? How do you know what I've (we've) lost? Don't be ridiculous.
News flash: EVERY generation wants their kids to have more. Can you find me some parents out there who actually want their kid to struggle, live with job insecurity, not be able to afford to buy a home or even a decent place to rent, and be miserable? I mean, who are these people of which you speak as you dismiss an entire generation? If anything, it's the exact opposite: you have parents snowplowing every obstacle out of their kids' way so they never have to struggle or feel any kind of discomfort. I grew up in a part of the country where the snowplow had to be deployed 6 months out of the year, but there was no such thing as a snowplow parent or a helicopter parent.
If you're going claim that one thing is proof of something else, you actually have to back up some of your rhetoric with actual proof, not just generalizations and temper tantrums just because you have a platform upon which you can vent your frustrations. You actually have to come up with a concise argument. Otherwise, you sound like the idiots on the Right who say idiotic things, drawing conclusions based on specious logic. Example: crime rate is high because the Libtards care more about the criminals than they do about law abiding citizens. Way to draw a straight line through 2 points that appear to be cause and effect, while skipping over everything in between (systemic racism, poverty, gun violence, drug epidemic, pandemic, lack of opportunities, etc., etc., etc.). But yeah, there's nothing a Libtard loves more than being a victim of crime. How do you reason with that? How do you argue with someone who tells you you're awful because of the era in which you were born?
Do you think the person who spends 30 years working for the same company only to get laid off in an email at the age of 50 isn't struggling? They're going to do - what, exactly? Get retrained for a job that doesn't exist or that they don't stand a chance of getting? Because ageism is a thing. The things you think they've taken for granted, like houses - they come with mortgage payments. There's the kids' college tuition and maybe home care for parents who are now living forever. You don't think they feel burdened?
Please try to harness some of that rage and aim it in the right direction, towards the people and institutions that deserve it: GOP lawmakers, corporations, FOX News, the 1%, the Supreme Court, the criminal justice system, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, insurance companies, corporate lobbyists, developers, sociopaths who thrive under neoliberal economic policies, autocrats, Cristofascists, regular fascists, gun manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies - because they're killing all of us - your generation, mine, every generation in between, and the ones that are yet to come (who will, incidentally, blame you for the shit they inherit).