And then what? What’s the plan for the Day After? You say, Hamas Must Be Destroyed! like it’s some sort of action blockbuster where the superheroes crush the Forces of Evil. Humanity is Saved. Peace and harmony return and everyone lives happily ever after. Hamas can be decimated but in the process of murdering upward of 32,000 people - mostly women and children, Israel’s is engaging in a very costly recruitment campaign for whatever Hamas mutates into.
I can’t remember which IDF shill is the OP of this thread. There are a number of them - prolific disseminators of propaganda regurgitating the same talking points. On and on they spew and rage against the Jew Haters! The Jew Haters! by which they mean anyone who criticizes Israel’s actions. If you inconveniently happen to be a Jew, you’re accused of being a self-hating Jew. What they mean but won’t come out and say is Hamas must be destroyed, even if that means genocide.