Bullshit. If Christians were persecuted it was not because they were Christian, unless they were activists fighting against fascism. So, they would have been like the Christian Left in the US protesting human rights abuses, helping undocumented immigrants, fighting against the influence of zealots and the GOP. Nazi Germany was not a theocracy. If you were going to make that argument about Soviet era communism or Maoist China, you’d get no argument from me. The State is the religion.
The worst atrocities of the Holocaust took place in Poland, a Catholic country with a long history of viral antisemitism, as was Ukraine and most of Eastern Europe. It was part of a calculated strategy, not some random act. Hitler understood just how far to push the boundaries of what German citizens would be willing to stomach, which is why the extermination camps were built in Poland and not in Germany. My father is a Holocaust survivor from Budapest - a Catholic country then and now. The church was complicit in the persecution of Jews.
Germany was 2/3rds Protestant. Hitler disavowed the Catholic Church and his religious views were all over the place, but he conflated Christianity with German nationalism and viewed Jews as Christ killers, which justified exterminating them. I can’t imagine the US ever becoming that extreme, however the same thing is happening here: right wing Christianity conflating with nationalism.