But this is by far my favorite: “Stoking resentment/disdain for the educated (historians, scientists, philosophers, artists, journalists) referring to them disparagingly as the Elite…Scapegoating the usual suspects: minorities, gay people, poor POC while furthering the interests of a powerful elite.”
Too funny.
Funny because? You forgot the punchline. But thanks so much for your edifying whataboutisms. Super helpful, though you eschew establishing parity between Obama/Trump egregiousness. Obama’s attacks on the media were on the same level as Trump’s? Seriously? Trump is just another corrupt, narcissistic, garden-variety asshole? Searching, searching, searching. Little spinning Mac death wheel not coming up with any search results for precedents in US history. Yawn. Screaming into the void, I’m off for a snack-ack-ack-ack-ack.