Hey, I’m with you! I agree — I’m full of crap. Everyone on Medium is full of crap, except for you A-Jon! Women are simply greedy, manipulative, unappreciative cunts who would wither and rot like 10 day old bananas if it weren’t for men underwriting their lifestyles. Can’t we just go back to, say — 1962 when men were men, The Blacks knew their place, The Queers were like vacuum cleaners — tucked away in closets, quiet as church mice shitting themselves with fear and self-loathing, and the women were busy pumping out babies, chain-smoking and gobbling Valium like they were M&M’s? As an aside, I just have to say how much I admire your writing style — the way every one of your comments begins with, “You’re full of crap.” It’s just, well — poetic.