How so? I’ve never seen a child dragged to the altar of atheism. Having photographed a bunch of Catholic weddings, I would watch in astonishment as a young child was led by the hand to receive communion, as if that child had any understanding of what was happening or why. It’s just a ritual they are forced to participate in because it was forced upon their parents. They didn’t get to choose. If you’ve ever strolled through Williamsburg in Brooklyn, do you think those little Haredi boys and girls choose to believe the garbage they’re force fed? They are born into a closed society from which very few are able to escape. Mormons? Mormons believe there’s a special hell reserved for those who have left the church. Not the regular hell the Jews and Gentiles will be going to. No. This is Next Level Hell reserved just for the Mormons who have a small kernel of doubt. If that’s not all about exploiting fear and maintaining total control through a policy of strict obedience that does not allow for questioning or doubt, I don’t know what is.
It’s highly unlikely that the architects of the constitution ever anticipated the degree to which religion would influence daily life just as it’s highly unlikely that anyone could have possibly envisioned the AR-15 when the Second Amendment was written.
Look, honestly I couldn’t give a crap about someone wishing me a blessed day. It’s all about intent. It’s obvious when someone is being sincere in wishing me a blessed day and I will gladly except the blessing in the spirit with which it is given.