I predict that in less than one generation, Trump types will no longer be capable of mating and producing fertile offspring with the rest of us.
A good friend worked for the Ellen DeGeneres show as a production accountant. Her experience is consistent with the accounts mentioned in this piece.
In season 3 of Six Feet Under, which I’ve been re-watching, the brilliant Catharine O’Hara plays Hollywood producer Carol Ward, Lisa’s neurotic, self-absorbed boss whose cartoonish behavior demonstrates a total disconnect from the reality most people experience. Hollywood is just a more blatant and glaring representation of our cultural values in general.
Ellen's toxic work environment has nothing to do with the left eating the left and everything to do with the idea that these "successful" = entitled assholes get to live in some rarified stratosphere in which everyone else exists for the sole purpose of catering to their whims. They should consider themselves lucky to have the privilege of being overworked, underpaid, given decent health benefits and being treated like garbage.
Animal Farm was about the struggle against injustice corrupted by a system of totalitarianism.