I was at my brother’s house last week, celebrating the Jewish New Year with my niece and sister in law. My brother said The Boys was great and I said I hadn’t seen it because I just can’t stand anything having to do with a superhero storyline — probably for the same reason as you: it’s like cosplay for fascists. I prefer the antihero, like Omar Devone Little from The Wire. I’m so infatuated with Omar, I named my dog after him. But my brother insisted I watch The Boys — again, for all the reasons you mentioned. We were all in a great mood because we hadn’t seen each other since before the pandemic began. We had a nice buzz going from the Sauvignon Blanc. We were several bites into the requisite Jewish New Year brisket when our phones blew up with the news of RBG’s death and that soured the mood. But I’ve added The Boys to my watch list.