It’s kinda funny to me how every story — doesn’t really matter what it’s about always seems to bring some asshole troll out of the drain to get a quick sucker punch in before disappearing back down the drain.
I’ve heard so many teachers say the same exact thing. This isn’t about one individual whining about how difficult his job is. It’s a systematic problem and a cultural problem in a country that doesn’t really value teachers. They are overworked, underpaid, unappreciated and subject to the whims of school administrators, mindless testing requirements, and bullying by parents who take no responsibility for the performance or behavior of their children.
I don’t know what you do for a living that allows you to be so judgmental. Personally, I doubt most people would make it through one year of the bullshit teachers in this country have to deal with. I wouldn’t last a week. As Ryan wrote, statistically most teachers don’t last more than 5 years, which indicates that something more than just one disgruntled individual complaining is going on.