No, they wouldn’t. They’re too stupid to come up with anything remotely close to satire. No, instead of satire, they bring their guns and shoot people, like that idiot in Wisconsin or Michigan this past summer who Trump called a great patriot after he shot some protesters.
2. BLM was NOT out burning down cities every night. This is just some bullshit narrative you all like to keep banging on about.
3. Last and most obvious, if this HAD been BLM activists attacking the Capitol, there would have been a triple digit body count.
There are no conservative Trump supporters. Conservatives are mainly financial tightwads when it comes to the idea of investing in their society. They’re into all sorts of magical thinking about their imaginary friend to whom they spend their Sunday mornings nattering. They’re mostly people with a very limited world view who haven’t been exposed to or interacted with people who don’t look like themselves. Trump supporters aren’t conservatives; they’re fucking barking mad lunatic right wing extremists.