So, I guess this means you won’t be sharing your reading list then?
It’s not about Good Guys vs Bad Guys. Israel is dropping 2,000 pound bombs on a trapped civilian population and has killed upward of 40,000 people, mostly women and children. It’s using starvation as a weapon of war. This is something that needs to be condemned, loudly and emphatically. I’m not denying the fact that Palestinians have their own issues and dysfunction but that’s their problem to sort out. As a Jew, I feel it’s my responsibility to hold my people accountable, not try to justify. As it stands now, Israel has all the power and support of the United States so it’s hardly a fair fight.
Whatever you want to say about the Palestinians, you have to acknowledge the fact that Israel, through its policies and actions created this situation. They can’t bomb their way out of it. If anything, they’re waging a giant recruitment campaign for the next generation of people with scores to settle.