Sure, I guess if you mean living in a dense urban area where you're exposed to a multitude of nationalities, religious affiliations, races, socioeconomic backgrounds and levels of education can be considered a bubble. It's a pretty big fucking bubble though, big enough to accommodate all kinds of people with varying ideas and beliefs with some measure of success, despite a lot of disagreement within that bubble.
Cristofascist is a meaningless word? Hmm - it's seems pretty straightforward and crystal clear as far as a term that means exactly what it conveys, unlike "woke" and "SJW" - terms the Right has stripped of original meaning and hurl as insults. Or the term pro-life, which is more of a perversion of life in practice.
No, I would say Cristofascist is a succinct term that applies to the American religious fundamentalist of the Christian persuasion. In Northern Nigeria, they would be Islamists, in the West Bank, they would be Haredi Orthodox Jews, Myanmar has its Bhuddist extremists, India has its Hindus and Afghanistan has its Taliban. The costumes and uniforms may be different, but religious fundamentalists are the same garbage everywhere - vicious and cruel lovers of patriarchal societies in which women understand their roles of brood mares or sex toys.