Sweetheart, you lost me at Million Maggot March. Sure, there’s a lot about woke and cancel culture that’s annoying af but you’re talking about a slim minority of mostly young, shrill, college aged kiddos whose lives are underwritten by their parents. Most of them will eventually grow out of this strident phase once they’ve spent some time in the world and either realize that life is a lot more nuanced, or they’ll join the ranks of conformist consumers.
We’re living through the Great Collapse in real time. If someone had told me 30 years ago that in the future, Donald Trump would be president, then contest an election because he didn’t like the outcome, that a mob of brainwashed dead things would attack the Capitol, and that a cabal of fascists on the Supreme Court would overturn Roe, I would have thought they’d been reading too much dystopian science fiction. And yet, here we are.
Your woo-woo idea of god is patently absurd yet perfectly in line with the spiritual hacks and snake oil salesmen who have succeeded in applying the capitalist model to the spirituality industry. There’s a huge market in empty-headed, disconnected consumers looking to be part of Something Bigger and no shortage of hucksters ready to sell them a shortcut to enlightenment, or a life without pain - basically high end motivational speakers.
Hitler went to heaven. Hmmm. Okay. Sounds a lot like Christian bullshit where you can commit heinous crimes but if you confess and repent, you get your ticket to redemption. I’m a Jewish non-believer. There is no heaven or hell (except the hell we’ve created on earth). But I much prefer justice and revenge over some woo woo that Hitler is enjoying springtime in heaven.