Uh, do you not understand sarcasm? The writer is using sarcasm to disparage the Ugly American known around the world. Fat, loud. Expects service and convenience at bargain basement prices. At home, he yells, You’re in America! Speak English! Abroad, he’ll loudly complain, How do they expect to make any money - they don’t even speak English. Or they’ll just speak REALLY LOUD. In English. The Ugly American travels the world but experiences nothing. They lug suitcases full of their stupid, egotistical culture wherever they go and come home with baubles and trinkets and a litany of complaints. Sarcasm. And you do sound angry.

Michelle Frankfurter
Michelle Frankfurter

Written by Michelle Frankfurter

Photography, you have always been a jealous bride. I will always love you — I’m just no longer in love.

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