When I look at, or listen to the grotesquerie known as Trump, my jaw literally drops. Most of us have functioning eyes and ears. I know we’re seeing and hearing the same things. Which is why I can’t get my head around the idea that millions of people look at this fatuous, narcissistic, unhinged chunk of bio-waste and think it belongs in the White House.
What is wrong with these people, I think to myself? Is it something in the water supply? Generations of inbreeding? How is it possible to get that stupid or delusional? But then I watch a lot of documentaries about various cults and I listen, slack-jawed as the absurdities tumble out of the mouths of their sociopath leaders and watch how the eager followers, eyes glazed over embrace the bullshit and the alternate reality constructed for them until inevitably, the entire house of cards collapses and they realize just how much they’ve been duped.
If only the cult of Trump could be contained so only its followers would reap the rot that it sows - like that one bright spot during Covid when the anti-vaxxers exercised their freedom to die a stupid and unnecessary death. Unfortunately, Trump, Trumpism and the legions of self-lobotomized Trumpanzees are determined to drag us all to hell.