Michelle Frankfurter
2 min readJul 13, 2022


Why do you assume, in BOLD, nonetheless that I use LATINX? Every Latino I've ever known, and I have known many, has always referred to themselves as either Hispano or Latino. So no, I don't use LATINX and I don't give two shits about personal pronouns either.

-How am I supposed to support the poor Latina women in the Rio Grande Valley - the ones who will most be impacted by these draconian policies when they’re sending a right winger to congress? Clearly, this woman represents the conservative values of the constituency, which are anti abortion and pro militarization of the border region.--

You've lost me here as well. What are you objecting to? Who elected Mayra Flores, a far-right Republican and proponent of the Big Lie if not the constituency? If undermining democracy, denying women health care, and promoting Cristofascism is in the best interests of the people of the Rio Grande Valley, then I stand corrected and apologize for my presumptuousness: the people of the Rio Grande Valley voted according to their values and will get the government they deserve.

I'm simply arguing that those conservative values are ingrained in American society and culture, regardless of minority status: the dominant culture is conservative. The demographic makeup of the Rio Grande Valley is predominantly Latino, but aside from the pockets of dense urban areas that lean left and progressive, rural communities and small, predominantly white majority cities and towns throughout the US skew conservative.

How about DEMOCRATS stop being the condescending pieces of shit you guys tend to be with minorities?!

This is the same thing DEMOCRATS hear from WHITE Republicans all the time - that we're condescending pieces of shit - so much so that what seems to appeal to white Trump supporters most is that he owns the elitist libtards. So, clearly, the condescension argument is not limited to minorities, but simply echoes the argument made by Republicans that Democrats are elitist, which, of course, has historically been the argument deployed by autocratic populist figures from Hitler to Putin to Orban to Trump.

I get it - people don't respond well to being spoken down to. What I don't understand though, is why do the people who accuse Democrats of being condescending and elitist vote for someone like Trump who despises them even more than we do? All of these poor, uneducated angry white folks from small cities and towns all over America whose jobs went overseas decades ago, stuck in dead-end lives with nothing but toxic Christianity and opioids to fill the void? Why vote for the man who has nothing but contempt for them? To Trump, they're losers.



Michelle Frankfurter

Photography, you have always been a jealous bride. I will always love you — I’m just no longer in love.