Yes, I know! I thought I was replying to the OP — boomer brain.
People have always been susceptible to preposterous drivel, especially when it validates their worldview. Millions of people believe in an imaginary being who impregnated a married woman who then gave birth to a son who was later crucified by the Romans, only to be resurrected three days later and now sits in judgment of them. I don’t see how that is any different from believing in flying pink elephants. They believe Q’Anon conspiracy theories because it’s the world in which they want to exist, regardless if the narrative is real or imagined. They confuse personal privilege with freedom, which is how they justify demanding their rights without having to bother with the responsibility that comes with those privileges.
I am not in favor of killing the mentally ill either, but I don’t think Trump’s followers are insane. For all their insistence that being gay is a lifestyle choice, they choose to be delusional — just one of the many little ironies that defines their ideology. They embrace ignorance.
America has always had a deep strain of stupid running though it, along with a disdain for the intellect. But over the past several decades the GOP culled its moderates, replacing them with Newt Gingrich’s new breed of take-no-prisoners ultra conservatives. Add the 24/7 news cycle, the Internet, and social media to the mix and dumb got dumber and then dumb got even dumber and crueler. If they are mentally ill, then so were the good people of Germany in 1933.