You forget that Gaza is one of the youngest populations in the world. Most Gazans were not yet born or old enough to vote in 2006. Hamas’s legislative win was a rejection of Fatah, that was seen as corrupt, and the status quo. The split and bitter rivalry between Hamas and Fatah worked very well for Netanyahu, serving both political and personal interests.
Religion is simply ideology masquerading as faith. It’s tribalism and the irony of our evolutionary arc is that the traits that were essential to our survival - xenophobia and tool making are the same traits that will land us in the dustbin of evolutionary history. We’re nothing more than a species of great ape with enhanced tool making and resource guarding skills. Everything else is a contrived construct that exists nowhere else in nature. And as you say, bullshit. People fighting and killing and plundering and raping each other over territory and resources since the dawn of civilization. And climate change acts as an accelerant while we argue about semantics and who’s on first.