You sound even more unhinged than me and that’s a tough bar to reach. I get the rage, I truly do but I think your blame is somewhat misdirected. I also don’t know how you can claim that Biden’s Covid response was worse than Trump’s. You forget that a president can only accomplish so much so if something doesn’t win Senate approval it goes nowhere.
The problem, as I see it is with the American people. We can complain all we want about the politicians but they don’t just magically appear out of nowhere. Americans live in a giant, insulated bubble. They have never experienced war at home, aside from the Civil War, which half the country still hasn’t gotten over. So, the only war fought at home was over the right to own people.
America has never experienced invasion by a foreign enemy. 9/11 was the worst attack on US soil in its history. Which is like a Tuesday in Gaza or Syria or Ukraine. Americans love indulging in GI Joe cosplay with their cammo and AR-15’s because aside from people who serve in the military, they have never experienced war. But they’re all for war, as long as it happens somewhere else and they can continue shopping as per usual. And somehow, they don’t question why the people who send them to war never send their kids. No, their kids go to top universities and get law degrees and enter politics and the feudal torch gets passed on to the next generation of the oligarchy.
Our cultural ethos is one of self-absorbed individualism. Everything hinges on a mentality of my, my, my. My rights. My freedoms. There’s never a mention of responsibility or even an understanding of the difference between Freedom and privilege. Americans will gladly abdicate their rights for some illusion of safety. Americans believe that freedom is the right to consume as much of everything they can stuff in their mouths or gas tanks. Having to consider the consequences of conspicuous consumption, they will rage and call you a communist. In that way, Americans are like giant toddlers in sagging diapers and hair in all the wrong places.
Our society disdains intellectualism and critical thinking, which is by design. It’s easy to distract and deflect when people can’t see past their own shortsightedness and immediate self-interest. They have a very limited attention span and no concept of cause and effect: the choices you make now will have a devastating impact on your future. There’s no understanding of how the economy works or how we’re all connected domestically and globally. They have no understanding of history. They are hostile to anything that contradicts their idealized, sanitized version of American history.
I do agree that America is a shit country and has always been a shit country. It’s a giant lie. Trump is our Picture of Dorian Gray - the true face of America. But he’s a reflection of who and what we are.
And as I’ve said for the past two decades:
1. Reagan was the beginning of the end for America and George W. Bush was the point no return.
2. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.